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  • 2006-09-22 (Fri)
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こんばんは!多分沢山の果物を貴方は好きでしょう。フィリピンは沢山の種類の果物が他の国よりも安く売られています。最もフィリピンで多いのはマンゴとバナナです。フルーツスタンドは商店街に沢山あります。沢山売れるからです。フルーツサラダには沢山の種類のフルーツが使われます。この写真がフルーツスタンドです。沢山のフルーツがあると思います。ロング バナナ サイズはどうですか?マンゴ、りんご、グワバ、パパイヤ、etcフィリピンには沢山あります。また、新鮮な”ババエ”もフィリピンには沢山います。真剣に受け取らないで下さい!冗談です!今日も一日お元気で!

Good evening my dear blog viewers! Maybe a lot of you likes eating fruits. Well, Philippines has various kinds of fruits and more cheaper compare to other countries. But the most productive fruits that Philippine have is mango and banana. Fruitstand occupy the space near of commercial area because they foresee it is more profitable. And fruit salad may do if you mixed them altogether. Just like the picture I’ve shown to you, different sizes of different fruits you will see. Long banana just like the size of hmmmnnnn…guess what is it? Juicy mango, red apples, fresh picked guava and riped papaya and a lot more is only available here in my country Philippines. And also fresh “babae” is made only in Philippines. Don’t take this last sentence seriously, I am just kidding!!!Take note of it! I hope all of you are doing fine. Have a nice day!

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