Home > Archives > 2006-09-04


Sinugbang Bangus

  • 2006-09-04 (Mon)
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こんばんは!げんきですか?魚は好きですか?これは”Sinugbang Bangus”です。フィリピンでは良く知られている魚です。すっぱいソースがいいなら、Tinolaとして料理できます。最初、魚を切って、清潔になるまで水で洗います。塩の中にそれをいれます。そして、別のボウルに醤油、にんにく、カラマンシーを用意します。それを混ぜてそのあと拭いてください。そのあと2、3時間日光の下においておきます。その後、炭で5分から10分焼きます。これで出来上がりです。簡単でしょ!試してみてください。

To all my blog viewers a pleasant evening to all of you! I hope all of you are fine. Do you hate fish or do you like fish, which one??? This is what you call “Sinugbang Bangus”. This fish is a very popular and known as Philippine National Fish. You may cook it also as tinola if you want sour soup. Do you want to know the secret of this menu? Well, firstly you must cut the body, take its intestines, gills and some other parts of its body until it is clean, wash the whole body of water. Secondly, pour a salt into it. Make a separate bowl, put soy sauce, minced garlic, sliced onion, and calamansi. Let them mixed together and wipe it all over the fish until absorption happen from it. If done already, let it dry under the sunshine for 2 – 3 hours. Then after that, you can cook it in the charcoal for just 5-10 minutes. It looks that way after you finish cooking it. Just a simple menu but tasty! Hope you will try it!

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