Home > Archives > 2006-09-12


トストサラダ & サウザンアイランド

  • 2006-09-12 (Tue)
  • Uncategorized



これは1つの野菜サラダです。トストサラダです。スライスしたピーマン、ニンジン、キャベツです。そして、”サウザン アイランド”のドレッシングをかけて、マヨネーズとケチャップを混ぜています。このサラダを最初に紹介します。明日はまた、別のサラダを紹介します。また、このブログを読んでください!

Good evening to all of you my dear blog viewers! Are you familiar with vegetable salad especially the different types? I know that most of you guys like very much vegetables especially the fresh one. So, I do my initiative to give you what you asked for especially for Manadex, the one who is very much interested about different types of vegetable salad. So let me share to you first the meaning of salad. Salad is the term applied broadly to many food preparations that are a mixture of chopped or sliced ingredients. It often includes at least one or two raw vegetable or fruit and prepared or served with a dressing. It is being served after the main dish or as a side dish.

This is one kind of vegetable salad and it is known as the tossed salad. Its ingredients is made up of sliced bell pepper, carrot, cabbage, and the last but not the least that makes it tasty and delicious is the “Thousand island dressing”. It is made up of mixed mayonnaise and ketchup. This is the first vegetable salad I could give you….for tomorrow there is another one. Just keep on reading my blog, more of vegetable salad I will share with you! Try to prepare like this one! Have a nice day!

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