Home > Archives > 2006-09-21



  • 2006-09-21 (Thu)
  • Uncategorized



Good evening blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing good. Won’t you believe that men are also the best dressmaker. As a matter of fact, Levis has a lot of male dressmaker. Before you can seldom seen men in the Phillippines that their job like that because long time ago this job is suited for women only. But now, this job is a challenging one, for men. Men are makers of jeans for male and sometimes make adjustments to the newly bought jeans. Recently, the rate of male dressmaker is the same also with the no. of female dressmaker. They have a lot in common before, now it does’nt count whether you are a male or a female. The important thing here is that you know what is your job and you are doing the right job. I hope you guys know also how to make dress. Have a nice day!

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