Home > Archives > 2006-09-19


ダブル キャラ

  • 2006-09-19 (Tue)
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!お元気ですか?面白いショーを紹介します。この写真は”Doble Cara”です。意味は彼又は彼女が歌を唄います。でも2つの異なった声で歌わなければなりません。男の声、女の声を1人が唄います。ドラマチックにそれを演出します。ゲイの声を出せば、見ている人は笑い楽しみます。楽しいプログラムです。貴方も一度見てみて下さい。

Good evening dear blog viewers! I hope all of you are expecting more interesting blog from me. Do you want another event in a cultural show? Please let me share with you, this is called the “Doble Cara”, which means he/she will sing a song but he/she has two different role of her/his voice…it could either be a boy at the same time a girl. In short he/she impersonate two characters. Like the picture I’ve shown to you, they deliver their song in a dramatic way. And it is more lively because of so much feelings and emotions while singing the song. But sometimes they act indifferent manner of singing like for example, he will portrait the gay role and the audience will laugh and the whole crowd is enjoying the presentation. What a funny event on this part of the program! I hope you could see like this in an actual scene. Have a nice day!

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