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  • 2006-03-28 (Tue)
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To my fellow friends and classmates graduated last March 25, Hurray! I am proud to all of you! All of you are one step ahead already, Its your choice now what you gonna do with your life. Its your turn how to handle them especially what is ahead of you …all of you have the potentials to achieve those visions in life . May all of you will be success, the journey so called life! Congratulations to all graduates!!!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2006-03-27 (Mon)
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Its time for relaxation near the sea… a good place for fresh atmosphere. After the school end, a time to get together party. Before we parted our ways, we give time to each other. A reunion party for our groupmates eventhough we don’t prepared expensive pack lunch…what’s only there is ok. Like the seafood called shell (talaba in ilonggo). That’s the only menu we ate there…You know super delicious and fresh…Just be careful when you open it, you might cut your finger. You should use sharp knife or ice pick to open it. Too much eating of this shell might cause you diarrhea. It looks not good but delicious and nutritious!!! You wanna try it???

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

When I see you smile

  • 2006-03-26 (Sun)
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今日フィリピンはいい天気です。ABS?CBNのテレビ局で2006年に優勝したもう一人のシンガーに会いました。彼の名前はクリスローレンスです。彼の歌は”When I see you smile”です。彼のファンが彼と一緒に写真を撮りたがっています。でもカメラを持ってきて居ません。私はラッキーです。彼と一緒の写真を撮ることが出来ました。いいでしょ?ナイス カップルです??? 冗談!

Well, its a fine sunny day here in Philippines, and I meet the new champion singer of Star in a million 2006 contest of ABS-CBN. His name is Chris Lawrence, he sings the song “When I see you smile”. His fans around there wants to have a picture with him…unluckily they don’t bring camera so they cannot get it.They envy with me coz’ I am very lucky…focus shot together with him…its so nice! Don’t you see it? Nice couple????Ha!ha!ha! Just kidding!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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