Home > Archives > 2006-03-02


Sun set

  • 2006-03-02 (Thu)
  • Uncategorized



It was Saturday afternoon when we were having conversation with my friends.We decided to go in a cottage nearby the sea. There we noticed the setting down of the sun. A beautiful view across the ocean…a perfect one! Isn’t it romantic for you? After a while my friend mentioned her past boyfriend, she said that their relationship looked like it. At first full of joy and memories to be cherished…but after sometime that relationship slowly step by step gone. Amidst the silence in her face a sudden tears falling down from her eyes…as I glance to her. There is a certain sadness in her eyes.
And the only thing she said to me “my friend, I don’t want your relationship to be like it, the sunset”.

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

They are always be there!



At first glance they may seem to be very innocent. These gals are considered to be one of the most loving, caring, and understanding. I am proud to say that they are my friends! These are persons has a lot to share in this world. These personalities comes in different packages, some are not what you expected to be. But one thing is certain, they are my friends no matter what! They are always be there!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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