Home > Archives > 2006-03-16



  • 2006-03-16 (Thu)
  • Uncategorized


AFAIK- as far as I know,
AFK- away from keyboard
ASAP- as soon as possible
AKA- also known as
ATM- at the moment
B4- before
BFN- bye for now
BRB- be right back
CU- see you
CUL- see you later
F2F- face to face
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GA- go ahead
JK- just kidding
HHOJ- HaHa only joking


最後に *k* これは、KISSです。

You know its a funny thing especially sending message that your chat mate using acronyms and you, that don’t know, is ashameful one. You may interpret it differently as to the correct word. Before you might reply to him, you are still guessing what these letter stands for ???You know it can cause headache for a new learner. Here are some examples of common acronyms that usually use in chatting. And if you are facing this kind of situation, at least you are aware already of this. They are the following: AFAIK- as far as I know, AFK- away from keyboard, ASAP- as soon as possible, AKA- also known as, ATM- at the moment, B4- before, BFN- bye for now, BRB- be right back, CU- see you, CUL- see you later, F2F- face to face, FAQ- frequently asked questions, FYI- for your information, GA- go ahead, JK- just kidding, HHOJ- HaHa only joking, and etc. What can you say about this???

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