Home > Archives > 2007-07-15



  • 2007-07-15 (Sun)
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こんにちは!今日は土曜日です。天気は如何ですか?台風は大丈夫でしたか?フィリピンは今は良い天気です。ところでこの綺麗な人は、先生です。22歳です。ケアギーバーコースのナースの先生です。彼女のクラスの生徒からは、頭が良くて綺麗だと言われています。そう思いませんか?彼女は住んでいる場所でミス マナプラにも選ばれました。生徒が彼女に男性のタイプを質問しました。私より頭が良くて、背が高い人だそうです。もし貴方がその様な人であれば、彼女に申し込んでください!フィリピンに来て、彼女に会いましょう

Have a good day blog viewers! How are you today? Today is Saturday, how’s the weather over there? I hope not much affected by typhoon. Well, here in the Philippines, we are experiencing now a fine weather. By the way, this beautiful lady I posted for my comment is a teacher. She is 22 yrs of age, took up nursing, presently taking a review for license while teaching caregiver course. She has the brain and beauty they said from her previous classes. It’s obvious don’t you think so? She became the Miss Lin-ay of Manapla, a kind of pageant on her town. This is true, one time one of her student asked her about the type of guy he wanted to be her boyfriend, she answered, because I am a perfectionist woman, I like guys who is more intelligent than me, taller than me, and above all submissive to me.So you guys over there, if you are this kind of man, then lucky you are coz you can apply to her directly…by going here in the Philippines and look for her.


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