Home > Archives > 2007-02



  • 2007-02-16 (Fri)
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Good evening blog viewers! How are you there? If you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy, forget the worries of the city and office work, well it’s the time to go for the beach and take a cool dip into the sea, try to live a life of no worries even for just single day. Many of these beautiful beaches here in the philippines can be found in the southern part of the Visayas, these beaches are not yet discovered, but white sand beaches is cool place to relax and some exotic views. So, the next time you spend a vacation take your gear into the beach.

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  • 2007-02-15 (Thu)
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Good evening blog viewers! How nice to received a special gift from your loved one.Isn’t it grateful? How about the others who did’nt received anything? Do you feel envy with them? Flowers and stuff toy, are the common things which is the gift given to their loved ones. This is not for old ones but common to early age such as teenagers. What about the old ones,how they celebrate valentines? Well, having a dinner is very common one.

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2007-02-15 (Thu)
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Good evening blog viewers! How’s your valentine? This is a picture of a fully in-love woman, these bunch of roses came across the miles from her beloved. This symbolizes a lot to her because this is one way of showing how you really love the woman and how do you value your love. It’s not a matter of how far you are, it’s the thought for this lady the real meaning of the celebration of the valentines season.

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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