Home > Archives > 2007-02-03



  • 2007-02-03 (Sat)
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こんにちは この写真は、追悼式の写真です。葬儀の様子です。気づいたと思いますが、殆ど皆白の服を着ています。それは魂を表します。沢山の親戚たちが集まります。人が亡くなった場合、メモリアルチャペルに運びます。沢山の家族や友達がそこに訪れます。1、2週間後、マスが行われます。最後のマスのあと埋葬されます。貴方の国は、どのようにされていますか?

Hello blog viewrs, this picture shows a seriuos time to remember the passing of a family member,it is taken during a mass offering for the dead relative you can notice, most of there clothes are colored white, symbolizes purity of soul. During this time many relative visits, a time for condolence, a time to lament. These is how the dead is being visited, first it is being bought to the memorial chapel, in order that the relative and friends may visit the dead, then after 1 or two weeks the dead is offered a mass for the repose of his or her soul. Then it is time for the final mass and the burial. How about in your country is it also thesame? Or do you have different tradition?

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