Home > Archives > 2007-02-01



  • 2007-02-01 (Thu)
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こんばんは!元気ですか?Dinagsa sa Cadizのようなローカルなお祭りでは、写真にあるような物が売られています。沢山の商人がそこに集まり、彼らの商品を並べて売っています。彼らの商品の多くは、手作りの陶器です。価格は大きさ、素材、デザインによりまちまちです。貴方は、どれが好きですか?

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? This is a picture of a figurine sold during local festivity like Dinagsa sa Cadiz. Many sellers go there and display their products hoping that they can sell it. Much of their product are made from porcelain and solid ceramics that is hand-crafted. Prices vary from the size and the material being used and also of the design. Which one do you like?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2007-02-01 (Thu)
  • Uncategorized


今晩は!元気ですか?ジャックフルーツの木を見たことがありますか?もしそうでなければ、お見せしましょう。信じられないでしょう?ジャックフルーツは甘いです...1月から3月が、収穫時期です。デザートにたべるかもしれません。実際キャンディーにもなっています。ルンピア ラッパーの中にジャックフルーツとチーズステックを挟んでも良いです。食べてみませんか?

Good evening blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. Have you seen a jackfruit tree having many fruits on its branches? Well if not, then maybe its your first time to look at it…maybe it is unbelievable to you. Jackfruits are sweets… This is the best during january and march because this is the harvest time. You may eat this for your dessert. Actually jackfruit can be make as candy. And of course you can make this as cheese stick with jackfruit inside, wrapped in a lumpia wrapper. Have you eat this one before?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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