Home > Archives > 2007-02


Group project

  • 2007-02-25 (Sun)
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Good evening blog viewers! How’s your day? By the way,this is a group project of a high school student. Many of them are doing this thing to gain experience on how to handle group works and also team building. It’s part of their leadership training program. The outcome of this project will be bought by some of the private sectors and also some LGU or Local Government Units, a lot of these young people have skills in the field of art and literature. This is also one way of expressing their selves on how to have confidence. Do you also have this kind of program? Have a nice sunday!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2007-02-24 (Sat)
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Good evening blog viewers! Have a nice weekend for tomorrow. This is a picture of a long time friends, truly some of the Filipino give value to their old and new friends. Notice the girl she’s very happy because her friend is always with her no matter what happen. She won’t also leave the other.The most interesting part, their bonding is the concern and understanding they give to each other. How about you? Do you have also friends that of same characteristic?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2007-02-23 (Fri)
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こんばんは!元気ですか?上司と一緒に友達のグループでパーティーをしました。会社の人とのパーティーです。Saltimbocaでその夜は楽しみました。ゴールデンボイスの歌と素晴らしいダンスで楽しめます。貴方の好きな歌もリクエスト出来ます。Saltimbocaはバコロット市のラクソン15th St にあります。リラックス出来て、楽しめます。

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today?Well, this is a group of friends who are having a night out party with their boss. Just like having an acquaintance party with them. Saltimboca is the place where they enjoyed at that night, a musical place which you can hear the golden voice and you may see the graceful dance of others. You can also sing if you wanted to and you can request a music that you like. Saltimboca is located in 15th St. Lacson Bacolod City. A place to enjoy and relax…

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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