Home > Archives > 2006-10-29
- 2006-10-29 (Sun)
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こんにちは!この写真は聖ローレンツ ルイスの銅像です。毎年11月1日”ALL SAINTS DAY”はキャンドルと祈りを捧げます。この銅像はバコロッド市の教会なあります。多分初めて見たと思いますが?
Hello blog viewers! Have a pleasant evening to all of you! The picture you can see is a sculpture of the first Filipino Saint, Saint Lorenzo Ruiz. Every November 1, “All Saints Day”, a candle and a prayer is offered for the souls of the deads through the intercession of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz. It is also one way of showing how devoted Filipinos are during the Feast of the Souls.And also the lighting of candles is absolutely significant during this occassion. This sculpture can be seen in the first ever airconditioned Church in Bacolod City.
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Home > Archives > 2006-10-29