Home > Archives > 2006-10-18
- 2006-10-18 (Wed)
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こんにちは!元気ですか?人にペイントしているのを見た事ありますか?マスカラフェスティバルの1つのプログラムに”Human Body painting”というのがあります。毎年行われます。色々なテーマでペイントします。今年のテーマは”LIFE FOR YOU”です。これはLa Consolacion College Bacolod の生徒が中心で行われます。この様な才能がありますか?彼らは「人生は芸術である」その事を信じています。貴方はどうですか?
Hello blog viewers! A pleasant evening to each and everyone of you. I hope all of you are doing fine. Do you still with me like being updated with my blog? Are you familiar of painting a human being? Well, one of the programs of the masskara festivity in bacolod city is this, “the Human Body painting”. It is done annually, and they have different motive and theme. This years’ theme for the human body painting is “A paint in me, a life for you” this is organized by the La Consolacion College Bacolod for the benefit of their charity projects, and also to expose the talent of their Fine Arts Student, many participated in this activity. May I ask you? Do you have a talent like this? Appreciate them, they believe that life is an art…do you agree with this statement?
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Home > Archives > 2006-10-18