Home > Archives > 2006-02-25



  • 2006-02-25 (Sat)
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4番目はLちゃんです。一番若いタレントです。彼女は沢山のにきびがあるので、ちょっと年よりふけて見えます。彼女の羞恥心は私にとって煩く感じます。”アンカパル ムカハ” ”ワラン ヒヤ”その意味は、恥ずかしさがないということです。彼女は彼のリクエストではなく、何の関係もありませんでした。なのに何故彼女は彼に物をお願いすることが出来るのでしょうか?香水とか携帯のプリペイドカードとかです。彼は彼女にそれをあげました。私はそれを知っています。



The fourth one is L… the most youngest of all but her face look like old already beause of many pimples on her face. Her shyness is awful to me…”Ang kapal ng mukha”…”walang hiya” in short shameless. She is not his request, no relation to him and why she can do it asking for something. Perfume and cellphone card???he gave to her…that was I knew. Would you like this kind of girlfriend? For me it is an improper attitude of a woman asking for something without any connection to him desho! And it depends also to the person she asked for if he will respond to it. Anything is ok as long as others will not affected about it…but for example when the guy has a girlfriend already do you think her girlfriend will not be jealous about it? It’s up to you to think about it if you are in that situation.

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