Home > Archives > 2007-11-22


Internet 出来ませんでした

  • 2007-11-22 (Thu)
  • Uncategorized



Good day blog viewers! Sorry for not being update with my blog. The truth is I lost my connection in the internet due to trouble in their service. I’d done to inform the telecommunication company but then still no having a response. I’m not feeling ok for this time. At the same time having a tyhoon here in the Philippines.
By the way, even there is typhoon, still we are having a class. We were given the chance to enhance our skills especially in cooking. After it, judges will taste what we cooked. They graded us on the menu if we deliciously cook it and how we presented the table setting. Thus, these are the criteria which we will having a grade by group. She is smiling, maybe she found it delicious!!!

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