Home > Archives > 2007-11-02


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  • 2007-11-02 (Fri)
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!元気ですか?フィリピンで11月1日、2日は祝日ですが、如何してだか知っていますか?All Saints Day そして All Souls Day です。沢山の人が、お墓参りをします。花束やキャンディーを持っていきます。まだ、無くなった人の魂はそのままだと信じています。

Good day blog viewers! How are you today? Do you know what event do Philippines celebrate during November 1 and 2? The custom or tradition of the Filipino during this exact dates celebrates the All Saints Day and All Souls Day, everyone visited their dead loved ones in the cemetery. They bring flowers and candles to symbolize that they were remembered eventhough they are in God’s Kingdom. This is not the only thing we do during this celebration but also prepared foods and offer this for them( the spirits of our loved one). We believe that their spirits remain at rest with God and our love is also with them without their presence any more.

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