Home > Archives > 2007-04
- 2007-04-27 (Fri)
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Good evening blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, lots of girls here in Philippines wearing sleeveless especially now that summertime. This is the most comfortable cloth for summer. What about under it? Short shorts??? This is the possible partner for the sleeveless, what do you think? On this situation, around 70 percent of teenagers are wearing this kind of attire. And you guys, how do you feel if your girlfriend wearing like this one? Will you be angry to her or get mad to her? Be understandble guys!!!
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- 2007-04-26 (Thu)
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Good evening blog viewers! How’s your day? You wanna want to smile people? Like them they have beautiful smiles on their faces. Why do people smile? A smile that has a lot of reasons. It maybe for good or for someone to cheer up them up. A lot of effects because of smiling you may look younger. For others smiling is one way of showing that you appreciate the things that gives you happiness. A smile could be a form of greetings or a form of giving hope to others. So, do you want to smile always? It’s really good when you do this…Have a nice day!
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- 2007-04-25 (Wed)
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Good evening blog viewers! How’s your day? I hope all of you are in good condition. Have you seen like this one on the picture I posted? Well, this is a better gadget or outfit for the firefighters. They are the students who are having a drill how to stop the fire on the enclosed place on the ship. Since in the fire situation, there are some explosions or the fire might blow out hugely. They usually wearing this outfit, try to look at the movies, Ladder 46. It is a movie about the firefighters , it is a protection for firefighters..a very good movie. I recommend it to watch you. You can relate well about this movie. Have a nice day!
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