Home > Archives > 2007-04-04



  • 2007-04-04 (Wed)
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Have a pleasant evening blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. Summer is now going on and so hot here in the Philippines. A lot of us experience cough and colds…and I am one of them. By the way, most of the people go to beaches, they prepare variety of foods and one of it is the homemade spaghetti. Spaghetti is one of the italian specials and most of the people that has this kind of appetite consider spaghetti as their favorite dish. Full of carbohydrates and protein especially when its sauce has a distinctive flavor. This special cook has gone to other country and made also their own version of it especially to ingredients they used. And they have reinvented the new taste of spaghetti. Enjoy eating this kind of spaghetti!!!

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