Home > Uncategorized > 笑顔の意味


  • 2007-04-26 (Thu) 13:50
  • Uncategorized



Good evening blog viewers! How’s your day? You wanna want to smile people? Like them they have beautiful smiles on their faces. Why do people smile? A smile that has a lot of reasons. It maybe for good or for someone to cheer up them up. A lot of effects because of smiling you may look younger. For others smiling is one way of showing that you appreciate the things that gives you happiness. A smile could be a form of greetings or a form of giving hope to others. So, do you want to smile always? It’s really good when you do this…Have a nice day!

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Comments (Close):3

Ricky 07-04-26 (Thu) 15:00

Oh, they are cute!

Leonor 07-04-26 (Thu) 22:01

Aloha Ricky! You really love to see beautiful ladies like them, don’t you??? Have a nice day!

nido 08-06-29 (Sun) 13:37

The laughter is the best presents from God to a human being.
There is the proverb that fortune comes to the gate to laugh at.
We take in a laughter for life, and mind and body will become healthy together.

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