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  • 2007-03-22 (Thu)
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Have a pleasant evening blog viewers! How are you there? This picture I posted is a medal. Medals are given to an individual that accomplished great things. It maybe in academic excellence, sports, valor, and many other fields. Many things symbolizes this kind of thing . Nowadays, medals are in significant manifestation.This things give us the motivation to do more effort to achieve and accomplish more honor and glory. If you receive this medal, how will you feel?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Ting-tings Restaurant

  • 2007-03-21 (Wed)
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?卒業式の行事の後、私は家族でTing-tings Restaurantへ行きました。バコロッド市のB.S. Aquino Drive Shoppingの中でそのレストランを見つけました。メニューにSinalabというユニークな料理がありました。ting-tingsnネイティブフードは沢山のものがミックスされています。ポークバーベキュー、チキンバーベキュー、シーフードが組み合わせられています。ここのレストランはそういうスタイルです。バスケットの中に入っていて、簡単に選べます。そしてお腹一杯になります。1籠あたり290ペソです。その価値はあります。多すぎて食べられないかもしれません。この様な料理知ってますか?

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? After the event of graduation day, my family and I went to Ting-tings Restaurant. It is found in B.S. Aquino Drive Shopping Bacolod City. And one of its unique cuisine is the “Sinalab”. It is ting-tings native food has to offer many variety of foods are mixed or combined. It’s actually a combination of pork barbeque, chicken barbeque and sea foods. Ting-tings is the only restaurant that has this style. It is put in a basket for easy selection much of this can make your stomach full. Enriched in protein and iodine this kind of food.This has the price of P290 per basket…It’s all worth the taste. Most people cannot finish eating this all because its too many. Do you have similar cuisine like this?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

graduation day


こんばんは!元気ですか?彼らはSt. Joseph’s High Schoolの学生です。もう直ぐ卒業です。離れ離れになる前に記念写真をとりました。先生とも良い関係でした。また1つ大人に近づきます。若い人たちに先生は、色々教えました。それに彼らは感謝しています。短い期間でしたが、彼らにとっては良い影響がありました。少し早いですが、卒業おめでとう!

Have a pleasant evening blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, these are the senior high school students of St. Joseph’s High School and the graduation day is soon to come. Before to separate their ways, they took a group picture serves as remembrance to each of them. And one of the good memories they were in is their relationship with their teacher. As they go up to another level of their life, one thing they had learn, be very thankful to their teachers because the teachers play a role on value orientation and inculcation of the youths…in short they have great influence to the students. Advance happy graduation day to all graduating students!


にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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