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  • 2006-07-26 (Wed)
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ハロー!こんばんは!殆どのフィリピン人は、もっと休憩したいと思っています。彼らはお互い話をして時間を過ごします。彼らが仕事をしていない時は、話をしています。仕事のパフォーマンスに影響する話題を思いつきます。この写真がそうです。仕事をしている間も話をしています。 これは彼らの仕事パフォーマンスを高めますか? あなたはどう思いますか?

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. Most employees in the Philippines wanted more of breaktime. They spend their time talking to each other. If they don’t have work, they usually chat with each other. They come up with a particular topic which can be affected to the performance on their work. Just as the picture depicted, they are on their working hour but they still communicating with each other while working. Is this good in their work performance? What do you think?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Sizzling Squid

  • 2006-07-24 (Mon)
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ハロー!こんばんは!じゅーじゅーと音を立てているイカはフィリピン人の好物の1つです。 熱くて、スパイシーです。これはインドがオリジナルです。いろいろな味付けがあります。ボラカイ、エルニドのような所のビーチのレストランでよく目にします。価格ははP280です。 それはワインを入れて料理されます…熱くてスパイシーなじゅーじゅーと音を立てているイカを味わって下さい!!!

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. Sizzling squid is one of the favorite dish of Filipinos. It’s hot and spicy that is adoptable to many Filipinos which they like a lot. This is originated from India. It has a lot of ingredients that make so deliciously hot and indifferent taste. Many of this can be seen in beach restaurant such as boracay, el nido resort, and other well-known resort of the country. Its fixed price is P280. It is cooked in different manner that
has a mixture of wine to add up the flavor…so better have a taste of this hot and spicy sizzling squid that can glow your mind off.

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Ilocos Couisines

  • 2006-07-23 (Sun)
  • Uncategorized


ハロー!こんばんは!イロコス クイシンズを食べた事はありますか?この写真はバグネット ジュニア ミールです。イロコス クイシンに似ています。これはブタとシーフードから作られます。珍しい料理です。101%満足できるでしょう。イロカノスの料理の1つです。第2次世界大戦中にアメリカ人のスナックとして作り始められました。そして、いまはフィリピン人の食べ物になっています。値段は色々ですが、120ペソくらいです。イロカノス クイシンズを楽しみましょう!

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. Have you tasted Ilocos cuisines? Here is the bagnet junior meal influence from Ilocos cuisine. It’s made of meat patties that is being preserved. Actually, it is made of pork and processed sea foods, this specialty is one of a kind, in short unique because even its just a budgeted dinner it can guarantee a one hundred and one percent of satisfaction. It is one of the favorites of Ilocanos menu. It started as just a simplehomemade snack for the Americans during the world war 2. Then after a decade of practicing it, it comes now in different variety of many filipino dishes. Its price is according to its ingredients and time length of preparation. Usually it costs P125 . So enjoy the Ilocanos cuisines!!!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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