Home > Archives > 2006-05-24



  • 2006-05-24 (Wed)
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こんにちは!ゲイはまだ入国出来ますか?特に日本に? 以前は沢山のゲイが日本に来ていました。彼らはタレントと同じように仕事をしてました。彼らはダンスの振り付けと同じ位美容師としての才能があります。彼らは人を楽しませる才能があります。短い時間で簡単にその事を身に付けます。そんな技術があり、熟練しています。沢山のお客さんを引き付ける力があります。彼らの態度は恥ずかしそうに見えます...彼らは万歳です!ハンサムでも醜くても彼らの好きなように表現できれば良いのです。もし友達になりたければ、とても簡単になれます。でも決して信頼できる人ではありません。

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine there…Are gays still in??? especially in Japan? Before, many gay come and go in Japan. They had been working the same as with the talents…and more than that they were beauticians of the talents as well as choreographer. Don’t you know that gays like on socializing pastime activities and they are very talented. They can easily learn from a short time of training. Very skillful also and they are good on public relations. In business, they have convincing power to have many customers. To them, being ashamed is not their attitude…they are vivas! Whether you are a handsome or an ugly gay, they don’t care as long as they can express what they like. They are nice and very approachable if you like them to be your friends but beware never trust them coz they are very vulgar persons.

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