Home > Archives > 2006-05-15



  • 2006-05-15 (Mon)
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こんにちは!学校の行事で”Bobbin on the Beach Summer Splash 2006”というのがあります。全ての夏期講習を受けている学生がこのイベントに参加します。勿論学校のスタッフが特別なプログラムを準備しています。どう思いますか?スペン語の”Lecho”から来た”Lechon”はフィリピンの美味しい料理のひとつです。竹を突き刺して、2から3時間焼くと出来上がりです。見た目は口にりんごを入れたブタの丸焼きです。その皮は美味しい部分の一つです。コレステロールがたまるのが悪い面です。もし貴方が一度それを食べれば、また食べたくなるでしょう。フィリピン料理の味です。私は太る事を考えて沢山は食べません。少し節制しないと、早く死んでしまいます!!!

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! How are you there? I hope all of you are doing fine. Another occassion in school is celebrated and it is called “Bobbin on the Beach Summer Splash 2006”. All summerian students are compulsory to join this event. And of course a special menu prepared by the school staff for all. What do you think is it? Of course, “Lechon” comes from the spanish word “Lecho” meaning deliciously roasted. Lechon is a famous filipino delicacy. It is in a bamboo then put in to the streamer. After about 2-3 hours it is ready to serve. Its appearance is whole body pig, with an apple in its mouth. The skin is one of the most favorite when you eat it. The only thing negaitve about it, is cholesterol enriched. But once you have tried it, you will repeat again and again eating it. Great Filipino taste! I keep on reminding to all who are fat ones….don’t eat too much this kind of food. Have self-pity on your self you might die early!!!

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