Home > Archives > 2006-05-16



  • 2006-05-16 (Tue)
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こんにちは! 食べる事は私達の生活の一つです。そこで会話をする事で、考えや意見を交換します。沢山の人が集まると誰でも知っている事に関しての話が始まります。食べながら話をしていれば、面白い事があります。何人かは手だけで食事をします。まだ手で食事をする人もいます。典型的なフィリピン人です!そう思いますか?

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine there. Eating is one of the manners we celebrate life, it is another chance for us to exchange ideas and thoughts that can lead to an intellectual conversation. A lot of gathering can be happen, then there are topics being put into major conversation. Is it interesting if you talk with someone while eating???And also the most interesting one is using the hands while eating. Some people still continue doing this kind of manner of eating. A typical behavior of being a true filipino! Do you think so?

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