Home > Archives > 2006-01-26


too bad? 15


He think he is smarter than her…but then he is sorry because Miss A still don’t give him the chance to be with him alone…She bring some members of her family in the airport upon meeting him…After then he check-in in hotel together with her but there she has companion. The situation is definitely bad for him and he cannot ease the pain anymore why she doing that to him. He thinks the odds against to him…and far from reality that it will not happen what he wanted to be.He stay in Philippines for 2 days and comeback in Japan with heartaches and hatred. Miss A, live ordinarily with her life…back to normal on her living…While Guest 1, still same nothing has change, only resentment he acquired from courting her…worthless from all of the effort he done for her. And her lover boy, she never heard about him anymore…That love for her is lustful…

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