Home > Archives > 2006-01-14


too bad? 4

間違いなく彼は、文句を言っています。前からずっと彼はAちゃんと二人だけでデートがしたいからです。二人だけのデートであれば、お邪魔はありません。彼は、Aちゃんに対し、そのチャンスを伺っていました。しかし、彼女は、そのお客さんに決して、その機会を与えませんでした...何時も彼は文句を言ってました。 その後、Aちゃんの心をひきつけようと頑張りました。彼は失敗しました。



Absolutely he was complaining, since before he wanted to be with Miss A alone. Only two of them on their dates, he don’t like disturbance.He likes to have a chance to solo Miss A….but Miss A never give any chances to Guest 1 to be with him alone…always have companion. After all that he had done for Miss A, to get the heart of her, he fails…We know already beforehand that Miss A in love with her japanese guest, and we know that it is a difficult one for her job because Guest 1 is really serious for her and then she doesn’t like him…when she is in front of him we know also that impersonately she acted upon him.

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