Home > Uncategorized > Turnips


  • 2008-02-29 (Fri) 18:56
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こんにちは!元気ですか?ウィークエンドを楽しんでいますか?この果物を知っていますか?turnipと呼ばれています。タガログはsingkamas です。1kg30ペソで買えます。1月から3月にマーケットで売られています。ネグロスオキシデンタルの山の中でとれます。Turnipには沢山のビタミンや色々な栄養があります。食べてみてください!

Have a pleasant evening blog viewers! How are you today? I hope you will enjoy your weekend. But by the way, do you know this kind of fruit? This is called turnip, in Tagalog known as Singkamas. You can buy this per kilo about P30. From February to March volume of turnips are available in the market. Harvested from mountainous area here in Negros Occidental such as places of Valladolid, Murcia, La Castellana and many more. Turnips are high in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Potassium and Copper. In short, vital source of vitamins, so hurry now and have these turnips for your family. Have a nice weekend!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Comments (Close):6

Ricky 08-03-01 (Sat) 7:20

How does it taste? Sour?

Leonor 08-03-01 (Sat) 20:01

Hello Ricky! The opposite of sour and that is its taste. Good to eat with vinegar and soy sauce so delicious.

hayato 08-03-02 (Sun) 10:05


Leonor 08-03-08 (Sat) 13:41

Hello Hayato! Sorry for late reply…no it’s not vegetable. Salt, Soy sauce and vinegar mix together is good to taste for turnips. You don’t try this maybe. Please try this. You’ll love the taste!

hayato 08-03-08 (Sat) 14:34


Leonor 08-03-09 (Sun) 9:50

hello Hayato! Good day to you. Have you found this there? I hope you have this…excited to eat?

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