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Affected by typhoon Frank…

  • 2008-06-28 (Sat) 22:53
  • Uncategorized


Have a good day blog viewers! How are you doing?.By the way these were the people affected by typhoon frank on populated area. They needed an attention from our local government such as the shelter to stay while their houses still on renovation process. Provide them relief and canned goods as their basic needs. I hope they will have these all.

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Comments (Close):4

Kirin 08-06-29 (Sun) 8:12

I was in Philippine when Frank came there.
There are lots of people who lost houses? Oh, that’s bad!
I also hope local goverments help people.

nido 08-06-29 (Sun) 9:38

search interruption
Philippine passenger ship overturn: Pesticide 10t leakage Do not eat a fish
In the passenger ship rollover accident of the Philippine central part offing,
Country Ministry of Health on 27th,
Because toxic expensive pesticide, about 10t leaked underwater, I warned inhabitants not to eat the fish which I was able to take in a peripheral sea area.
As of 27th, I confirm 146 dead people, survivor 56. As for the number of the missing people, there are 660 people.
scary article in the world
earthquake, thunder, a fire, a father + typhoon

Leonor 08-06-29 (Sun) 21:33

Hello Kirin, this is a common or usual case from Filipinos especially typhoon damaged a lot of houses. Others evacuate to school temporarily to be secured. I hope government will give action to them.

Leonor 08-06-29 (Sun) 22:02

Hello Nido, thank you for posting your comment. Uncontrollable calamities all over the world and can cause great changes in society. These are actually bad effects that will occur from these disasters.

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