
Leonor’s Diary

Winter Season….

Good day to all blog viewers! How is everybody? I hope everybody is doing well. By the way, we are experiencing winter season here. The season having the shortest days and the lowest average temperatures, which have the coldest weather. This corresponds to the months of December, January, February and March. Warm clothing we usually wear to combat or to overcome the coldness. I hope everyone is ready there too in Japan.

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Prayer Hall


Good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope all of you are doing good. By the way, this is one of the sanctuary place inside the Church of St. Joseph Oratory. An altar of St. Joseph the Worker which they said when you had your prayer it is always granted. Is this true? Maybe yes maybe not…Prayer is not only for saying it but also you are doing your part to fulfill it. Have a nice weekend to all!

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Good day to all blog viewers! I hope everyone is doing fine. By the way, they called this as Carillon…. A set of at least 23 bells encompassing two or more octaves in half-tones, and manually played from a touch-sensitive keyboard. The instrument originated in the 16th century. Before when there is mass that will be going on, it is played by the musician and it means that the mass will soon to start. Have a nice weekend!

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