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Believer’s of Christ Jesus

  • 2008-04-03 (Thu)
  • Uncategorized


申し訳ありません。宗教に関しては、難しすぎて訳せません。m(_ _)m

Good day to all blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, these are the Catholics believe that the church is the continuing presence of Jesus on earth. Jesus told his disciples “Abide in me, and I in you … I am the vine, you are the branches”. Thus, for Catholics, the term “church” refers not only to a building but also to the people of God who abide in Jesus and form the different parts of his spiritual body. In Catholic belief, the church includes all of the faithful who have ever lived. The departed saints are believed to be alive in heaven, interceding for people on earth. This unity of the church in heaven and on earth is called the “communion of the saints”. Although the Catholic Church believes and teaches that it is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church founded by Jesus, it also believes that the Holy Spirit can make use of other churches to bring people to salvation. In its apostolic constitution, the church acknowledges that the Holy Spirit is active in Christian churches and communities separated from itself, and that Catholics are called by the Holy Spirit to work for unity among all Christians.

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