Home > Archives > 2008-01-16
debut party
- 2008-01-16 (Wed)
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こんにちは!元気ですか?貴方は、debut party か The Debutante’s Ballに出席したことがありますか?これは女の子が18歳になった時に行うパーティーです。フォーマルな服装で、18本のキャンドル、バラをもってお祝いをします。18歳になった時、こんな風だと良いですね。
Have a pleasant day to all blog viewers! I hope all you do are doing fine. By the way, have you been in a debut party or The Debutante’s Ball? This is a birthday party for ladies reaching their 18th year of their life or she turns to 18. If yes, what have you notice about the party. Something formal may have 18 candles and 18 roses. 18 candles participated by 18 ladies whom will light the 18 candles and will says a word, note or wishes to the debutante. Such the picture shown on my blog. I hope you’re into this before when you were at your age of 18.
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Home > Archives > 2008-01-16