Home > Archives > 2007-08-27


eggplant relay game

  • 2007-08-27 (Mon)
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!今日の写真は如何ですか?これは”eggplant relay game”です。6人から8人で1つのチームをつくります。それぞれなすびを腰からぶら下げ、それを使って床にあるコインを決められた場所まで動かします。そこまで来れば、コインを拾って元の場所に帰ります。その繰り返しです。一番先に終わったチームが勝ちます。

Have a pleasant day blog viewers! What have you seen on the picture I posted? This called an”eggplant relay game”. This game composed of players in a team with at least 6-8 players. Each group should have the following: an eggplant, thread and coin. The mechanics of the game is very simple. First, the player should tie the eggplant around his waist, then the coin is constantly on the floor. While moving forward to the bottom line he/ she using the eggplant to move the coin also going to the bottom line. When he reaches the bottom line, then this is the time to untie the eggplant and get the coin,then immediately run towards his/her group and he will pass this to the second player. Then same thing will do by the second player. Until all players done. The first team who could accomplish will be the winner.

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