Home > Archives > 2007-08-05


The Longest Line

  • 2007-08-05 (Sun)
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こんにちは!元気ですか?このブログを始めてから見て頂いた方ありがとうございます。写真は”ロンゲスト ライン”と呼ばれる子供の遊びです。ケアギーバーの学校ではこのゲームをします。子供達が成長するために有効なファクターです。子供達が楽しめます。これはあまり一般的には知られていません。説明は必要ありません。ここで大切なのは切れることなく真直ぐに最後までつないで行く事です。子供の頃経験ありますか?

Hello blog viewers! How’s life going on? I hope all of you still have time reading my blog. By the way, thank you to all who views my blog since on the start till now. This is the picture showing an example of childhood game so called “the longest line”. Here in one of the school of caregiving, they having a game because this is important factor of a child as he/she growing and develops. This is one way of giving enjoyment to kids, such as planning activity and game is one of this.Do you want to know how to play this one? Maybe this is not common to you anymore, and no need to explain this one. The important here is that the objects from end to end must meet, no leakage, straight line of putting them and the longest will be the winner. I hope you done this before during your childhood years!

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