Home > Archives > 2007-01


Cadiz Cityのお祭り

  • 2007-01-30 (Tue)
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こんばんは!元気ですか?ネグロスのまた違った祭りを紹介します。Dinagsa Festival of Cadiz City です。フィリピンのお祭りとしては有名です。他の国から沢山の人が、Cadizにやってきます。このお祭りは町中で繰り広げられます。通りでlivelihoodと呼ばれるダンスが見られます。毎年行われます。Cadiz Cityは鯨でも有名です。海岸にやって来ます。

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, I have something to share with you about another festival from Negros. This is called “Dinagsa Festival of Cadiz City. One of the most outstanding celebrations of the Philippine festivity. Many foreigners from other country visits Cadiz. This celebration takes place all over the downtown. Many participated in the street dancing and they named their tribe according to their livelihood. This has been an annual celebration. Cadiz City is popular for its whales because sometimes whale visits cadiz shores.


にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2007-01-27 (Sat)
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こんばんは!金曜日がおわります。この写真で何か気づきませんか?彼女達は、双子です。一人はコーヒーカップを持っています。彼女達の記念日です。コーヒーのプロモーションで2日間、無料です。彼女達はMaritime CollegeでBS HRMを専攻してます。

Good evening blog veiwers! Thank God its friday already. By the way, have you notice anything in this picture? If you don’t notice it, its the face of twins, one is holding a cup of a coffee. It’s their foundation day and they celebrated it. There is a promotion of coffee and absoultely free for two days. These girls are studying in a Maritime College taking up BS HRM and they are in their Junior college.

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Clean and Green Project

  • 2007-01-26 (Fri)
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こんにちは!私の住んでるところは、フィリピンの中で2番目に清潔な所です。ここバコロッドでは”クリーン アンド グリーン”プロジェクトを行い、それが成功しています。それで表彰されました。これからも進めていきます。バコロッド市は、良くなっていくでしょう...

Hello blog viewers! Good morning to all of you! What do you know about my city? If you don’t know, well our city is the 2nd cleanest city in the whole Philippines. With the help of course of the City of Bacolod. Because of its project “clean and green” and this one is very successful. The City was being awarded from this. And the Bacolodnons continue to participate and support for this project. Now, no wonder why Bacolod become a progressive city….

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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