Home > Archives > 2006-11



  • 2006-11-27 (Mon)
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こんばんは!元気ですか?ウィークエンドは楽しかったですか?スィートポテトと変わった種類のバナナを食べた事がありますか?ルート クロプスは朝食にこれを食べます。貴方の生活がアクティブであれば、この食事は良いです。エネルギーになります。フィリピンの山の中にあります。たまに、畑でも見ることが出来ます。これは農業で作る作物の副産物として売られています。キロあたりも安いですよ。試して見てください。

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? Did you enjoy your weekend? By the way, have you ever try to eat sweet potato and different kind of banana? Root crops are the native food serve during breakfast, this is one of the most nutritious breakfast especially when your living an active lifestyle. It gives you a lot of energy. This is usually practice in some mountainous area in the Philippines. But sometimes it is also being done in farms. This product is a result of fine agriculture, the planters may have an option whether to sell or consume their product. You can buy these in a lowest price per kilo. I hope you try this one.

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Lay’s potato snack

  • 2006-11-25 (Sat)
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こんばんは!元気ですか?コンビにでこのポテトスナックを見た事がありますか?これはアメリカの会社です。色々なサイズと味があります。人気があるのは、レイズ ソース クリーム と オニオン味です。価格と味は、消費者に受け入れられます。スーパーやコンビにで80ペソから95ペソで売っています。美味しいですよ!

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? I hope all of you are doing fine. Perhaps you have seen this potato snack in your convenient store. This product is exported from United States of America. This comes in different varieties, they differ in sizes and flavors. One of the most favorite of all is the Lay’s sour cream and onions flavor. This has been always the target product of customers, because of its distinctive taste and the affordability of price. Usually, this ranges from P80 to P95 in the supermarket or convenient store. Have a break! Buy Lay’s potato snack!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2006-11-23 (Thu)
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Good evening blog viewers! How are you this day? I hope all of you are doing fine. Have you ever ride in a motorcycle with two passengers at your back? Here in the Philippines, it is very common . Most motorcycles carry passengers of two but sometimes they exceed. Instead of two, they carry 4 persons. And this could lead to an accident. Motorycle has a price of P45,000 up to P55,000 maximum price depends to what model and brand you are buying. And lastly, as you noticed, they don’t wear helmet. Do not follow this one! You maybe caught by a traffic officer at the same time you will be fined for unsafe driving. Have a nice day!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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