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Lay’s potato snack

  • 2006-11-25 (Sat) 9:50
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?コンビにでこのポテトスナックを見た事がありますか?これはアメリカの会社です。色々なサイズと味があります。人気があるのは、レイズ ソース クリーム と オニオン味です。価格と味は、消費者に受け入れられます。スーパーやコンビにで80ペソから95ペソで売っています。美味しいですよ!

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? I hope all of you are doing fine. Perhaps you have seen this potato snack in your convenient store. This product is exported from United States of America. This comes in different varieties, they differ in sizes and flavors. One of the most favorite of all is the Lay’s sour cream and onions flavor. This has been always the target product of customers, because of its distinctive taste and the affordability of price. Usually, this ranges from P80 to P95 in the supermarket or convenient store. Have a break! Buy Lay’s potato snack!

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