Home > Archives > 2006-08-23



  • 2006-08-23 (Wed)
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ハロー!こんばんは!フィリピン人は人を楽しませることが好きです。どのようにすれば他の人が楽しくなるか知っています。たとえば歌う事です。誕生日や家族の集まりで歌う事が特に好きです。モールでは歌のコンテストがあります。(ロビンソンモール バコロッド市)スポンサーはここのモールです。彼女は沢山の人が集まっている中でスターです。彼女の自信にもなるでしょう?やってみますか?

Hello my dear blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are fine. Filipinos are fun of entertaining themselves. They have lot of ways how to express their selves. One of the most common way is through singing. Much of the Filipinos likes to sing especially during occassions such as birthdays, family gathering, fiestas and etc. In this manner, they can have a lot of time developing their vocal chord. Usually, one of the most awaited singing contest is during the audition in the mall (Robinson’ Place Bacolod). This contest is sponsored by the said mall. With this picture, she is the star of the crowd and it helps to develop confidence and talent within herself. So, why don’t you try and be with her!? Express yourself….

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