Home > Archives > 2006-06-22
- 2006-06-22 (Thu)
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ハロー!おはようございます! 食べるものは何が好きですか?ここはフードコートです。色々なメニューが選べます。沢山の人が食事をしています。沢山の食事が出来る店があります。家庭料理から、お店の料理まで色々な食事が割と安くあります。ロビンソンフードコートで楽しんでください!
Hello blog viewers! Good morning to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. Eating is what you like??? Then, here for you is the food court…You have a lot of chances to select variety of menus…This is where most people eat and meet each other. There are plenty of food shops that are established for people could what they want and what they like to eat. And most of all, variety of delicacies from home made to commercial specialty at affordable prices. Enjoy your meal at Robinson’s Food Court!!!
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Home > Archives > 2006-06-22