Home > Archives > 2006-06-17



  • 2006-06-17 (Sat)
  • Uncategorized


Hello blog viewers! Good morning to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine…As what you have seen in the picture…there was a festival that time when I took that picture. It is an on the go dress shop for womens only. Colorful dresses and very attractive to everyone’s eyes…She remembered that it was her mother’s birthday and she wants to give something for her mother. She don’t think twice but instantly find a dress which will fit to her mother. She bought one piece of dress only for 150 pesos. She find it more cheaper compare buying in the mall…eventhough its cheap yet it is the best way to show her love to her mother and didn’t forget her mother’s birthday. She likes her mother to be happy even from a small little things. Why I knew this stuff??? Well, she is my friend for so long…Have a nice day!

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