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Putting up the shoes quickly

  • 2007-08-13 (Mon) 13:28
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!ウィークエンドは如何ですか?このゲームは”Putting up the shoes quickly”と呼ばれています。8人の3つのグループにわかれて、皆靴を脱ぎます。それを集めます。そしてラインに一人ずつ並びそれぞれ指しだされた靴を履きます。そしてグループに戻り自分の靴に履き替えます。一番先に自分の靴を履いたグループが勝者となります。わかりますか?

Hello blog viewers! How is your weekend? By the way, this is another game for you to know. This game is called ” Putting up the shoes quickly”. The game master will set 3 groups with 8 members on them. And the mechanics is to take off all the shoes on their feet and place it on the area where there is space for them to put on. They will fall in line and one by one will have the turn to get her/his shoes and put it on his/her feet. After putting it, she/he will run going back to his/her group line. Then the person at her/his back will be his turn to run and get his own shoes and put it again. Same procedure they will do until the last member will do it. The first group who could accomplish it will be announce as the winner. Did you get it? I hope you know this game.

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