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Animal Groupings

  • 2007-08-12 (Sun) 12:45
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!元気ですか?これは、子供のための楽しむ別のゲームです。このゲームはアニマル グルーピングです。犬、猫、アヒルなどの絵を書いた紙を、24分割します。それをグループ単位で何かを見つけます。その後、目隠しをします。そして、その動物の鳴き声を真似します。書いてあった全ての動物の鳴き声を出せれば、OKです。面白いケームです。

Hello blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, this is another kind of game for kids in order for them to enjoy. For the activity for kids, you can initiate this one. This game is called animal groupings . The first one who formed a group of what animal they are will be the winner. These are the procedures of things should do. At first, the game master will cut pieces of papers, written with different animals. Example, the first piece is cat, the second one is dog, and the third one is duck. He/she will cut the papers into 24 and divide it, each group will consist of 8 members . Each kids will get one, to that point he/she will know what animal she/he picked up. Then, this is the time they will be blind-fold. They are scattered and they will speak according to the sound of animal they are. They will call their other animal mates and form a group. They will count off one by one if they are 8. And if they are complete already, the last thing they will do is to shout finish. Then, the game master can now announce the winner. This is an interesting game. You will really like this for sure.

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-08-13 (Mon) 8:45

I’m game!

Leonor 07-08-14 (Tue) 20:05

Hello Ricky! How are you? What kind of game do you know? Did you enjoy playing it?

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