Home > Uncategorized > Bugnay


  • 2007-08-07 (Tue) 20:29
  • Uncategorized



Hello blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, is this familiar to you? Well, here in the Philippines has lots of fruits growing. Maybe this is not known to you coz this might the first time you seen this fruit. We called this “bugnay” small round black berries. As what you have seen, the lady also is curious about this fruit coz this is the first time she saw this at the same time, first time to tasted it, and she found it sweet. Almost she ate all of them. And her tooth turned to black but temporarily coz of its juicy. How about you there? Do you have this one also?

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Comments (Close):3

Anonymous 07-08-10 (Fri) 0:29

Magandang gabi po, Leonor. I think we have the same berry here in Okinawa. Only those in Okinawa are a little smaller than the ones in the picture. They taste sweet but a bit sour, aren’t them?

hiroaki 07-08-10 (Fri) 0:33

Sorry. Just forget to write my name. The previous comment is mine.

leonor 07-09-24 (Mon) 19:25

Hello Hiroaki! Sorry for my late reply…I never noticed this only just now. yes, very similar to your fruit there. Maybe this is same there, I beg coz I don’t know the scientific name of this fruit. But the way you describe the taste, it’s similar to it.

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