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Straw Planting

  • 2007-08-06 (Mon) 14:47
  • Uncategorized



Have a pleasant day blog viewers! How are you today?By the way, this is another thing to expose yourself to childhood games. This game came from the traditional rice planting. The pattern of this game is same as the rice planting and this is called straw planting. The mechanics of the game at least 5-10 players each team, then 5 bottles for each group and 5 straws. The rest of players will do the same procedure as the first player did. At first he/she will go to the aligned bottle one by one inserting the straw inside the bottle then he/she will get one by one the straw after inserting them, the next step,he/she will do is to give the 5 straw to her/his back, which is the second player. Then, the second player will do the same thing. This is the game of alertness and precision. Have you try this already?

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