Home > Uncategorized > カレンデリア


  • 2006-06-11 (Sun) 7:45
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こんにちは!おはようございます。 カレンデリアには行ったことがありますか?それが何だか知りたいですか?カレンデリアはレストランのような食事の出来る場所です。でも小さいのが一般的です。レストランのように一流のお店ではありません。安い値段で、食事が出来ます。チキンとポークのアドボは、そこの一般的なメニューです。35ペソあれば、昼食は大丈夫です。ぺディーキャブやジプニーのドライバーが良く利用しています。食べた後、気分はOKです。もし貴方が外食の予算を抑えたければ、恥ずかしがらずにカレンデリアで食事をしましょう。節約できます。へへへ!

Hello blog viewers! Good morning to all of you. I hope all of you are doing fine there. Have you been in a carenderia? Do you want to know what is it? Let me tell you that carenderia is a food house like a restaurant but it is small and an ordinary one. Unlike restaurant is a first-class food house. In carenderia, you can buy foods at the cheapest price. Chicken and pork adobo is the most common menu they served. If you have 35 pesos, your lunch budget is solved…enough for them especially from pedicab drivers and jeepney drivers. They feel ok after eating there. If you are limited with your food allowance, don’t hesitate to eat in a carenderia…it’s good for you because you can saved…He!he!he!

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Comments (Close):2

TACKY 06-06-11 (Sun) 10:44

I don`t have so much money to go to a carenderia. so almost everytime I buy only rice. then go back to my bahay, and eat rice and egg and something.

Leonor 06-06-11 (Sun) 14:56

Hello Tacky! How are you there? You are so thrifty if that so???Now, you have plenty of money? He!he!he! Have a nice day!

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