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family day

  • 2006-03-06 (Mon) 21:43
  • Uncategorized


This day is a wonderful to me …many good things happen. Such a wondeful compliments from the people around me. I was in school half day attended the family day of my sister. I was there to represent as her parent. I enjoyed watching the presentation numbers of the teacher. They showed their talents through singing and dancing. Oh! they have hidden talents don’t you know that! Parents do their best in games together with their sons and daughters. I enjoyed watching all over the ceremony…hope to see myself there playing the game???

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Comments (Close):4

Ricky 06-03-07 (Tue) 4:33

Aloha! KUMUSTA KA? I bet you Filipinos are natural entertainers. Even in Hawaii, almost famous entertainers are Filipino-American.They really entertain us!!

Leonor 06-03-07 (Tue) 12:34

Aloha! Yes, truely great Filipinos! Very much talented! Well, 2 more weeks to go in school and will end soon…vacation is coming!Aloha!

Ricky 06-03-07 (Tue) 14:52

Ya, same here. Spring break will come soon. I can’t wait!

Leonor 06-03-08 (Wed) 13:08

So you gonna have fun in vacation likewise me…I will go to tourists spot places so that a new adventure experience…what do you think?

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