Home > Uncategorized > My phone is PLDT Landline Plus

My phone is PLDT Landline Plus

  • 2008-06-26 (Thu) 22:33
  • Uncategorized


Good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing? Days had passed, typhoon had gone, what will comes next? By the way, do you have phone already? Well, I already introduced to you before about this promo of PLDT. Actually I am using this for easy convenience especially to all applicants who would like to inquire about PLDT products. For sure to all of you very much useful to interact with friends, family and loved ones. Have a nice day!

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Comments (Close):3

mie (^_^) 08-06-27 (Fri) 0:17

Can i apply DSL and at the same time landline plus?
Thank you (^_^)..

Leonor 08-06-27 (Fri) 10:25

Hello Mie, good morning! You cannot apply for it altogether. Your DSL connection will be connected from your regular telephone line. It is impossible to connect on Landline plus.

nido 08-06-29 (Sun) 9:06

I presented a mobile telephone to her the other day.
Of course I pay the charge for a call entirely.
The purchase purpose is a hot line with her who suffers from heart trouble.
The letter which I got at the time of parting two years ago came out of documents case.
I “sleep without forgetting it forever am ♪””
I make her as far as there is life.
Because is an important person forever; …

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