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two-days transport strike

  • 2008-05-12 (Mon) 8:36
  • Uncategorized


Good day to all blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, as of today’s news here in Bacolod. We are having a two-day transport strike. Due
to the fact that the price of premium gasoline is now at an average of P50/liter.
Joining Undoc is the Federation of Bacolod Drivers Associations (Febacda), a group that also has about 2,000 members in the City. This transport strike nowadays is no longer an unusual thing in Bacolod and Negros. Undoc’s two main agenda in paralyzing Negros and Bacolod transport are to demand for the immediate scrapping of the value added tax (VAT) on crude oil and other fuel products as well as the oil deregulation law. All jeepney drivers just say, “Please stop increasing the oil”.

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Comments (Close):6

hayato 08-05-12 (Mon) 17:54


hiroaki 08-05-12 (Mon) 21:30

Warang magagawa. Probably they need to raise the fare because the government would not agree to scrap the tax just like Japannese government did not do. After all only the poor suffer from the expensive oil. Besides I feel so sorry for the PH people because the price, 50 pesoes per one litter, is too mahal for them. That is about the same gas price in Japan.

Leonor 08-05-13 (Tue) 21:17

Hello Hayato! Thank you for posting your comment. Yes, its true.Almost goods increase its prices na not only gasoline and wheat above all rice. People are hard up for these crisis. We can’t bring back the low price na.

Leonor 08-05-13 (Tue) 21:20

Hello Hiroaki! Thank you for posting your comment. As what you have said, almost poor Filipinos suffer from these. Increase from fare but compensation still same. It’s unfair for us. Don’t you think so?

hiroaki 08-05-14 (Wed) 8:45

Thank you for the comment. I agree with you. It’s unfair because the oil campanies or other related big companies will not suffer from the increasing price of oil, but only the poor consumers will be damaged. Have a good day.

Leonor 08-05-14 (Wed) 19:46

Hello Hiroaki! Thanks again for your comment. I do really appreciate them.

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