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We want to greet our Mom!

  • 2008-05-10 (Sat) 22:20
  • Uncategorized


Good day to all blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine.What’s the event today? Maybe not all of you are interested to this event. But we would like to greet our Mom a Happy Mother’s Day. Although we don’t have a special present or special gift to give but from the bottom of our hearts we are happy to have you as our Mom. We are very thankful and we are proud to all mothers because of being they are. They can’t be compare to others. Happy mother’s day again.

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Comments (Close):4

hiroaki 08-05-10 (Sat) 22:34

Thank you for reminding me of the mothers’ day, Leonor. I like your comment, “Although we don’t have a special present or special gift to give but from the bottom of our hearts we are happy to have you as our Mom.” Let our mothers know that tomorrow.

Leonor 08-05-10 (Sat) 22:39

Hello Hiroaki! You are welcome. I hope you will celebrate this event with your mother.

Kirin 08-05-10 (Sat) 23:57

Hi! Oh it’s mothers’ day.

Leonor 08-05-11 (Sun) 8:59

Hello Kirin! Are you going for a concert of M.Y.M.P to celebrate Mother’s Day Special?

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